
NumberCourse TitleBrief DescriptionOther
101Fluency with Information TechnologyA basic introduction to a wide range of computing and the technology behind it.satisfies “Q” requirement
130Foundations of Rigorous ThinkingQuantitative seminar which covers the logical foundations of human reasoning.satisfies “Q” requirement
147History of Mechanical ThoughtWriting seminar which covers the long and colorful history of computing, ancient and modern.satisfies freshman writing
221Number Systems and Computer ArithmeticAdvanced algorithms and circuit techniques for high speed arithmetic.intermediate level
CS/Math elective
231Discrete MathematicsAn introduction to formal reasoningcore major requirement, cross-listed in Math
235Information and Coding TheoryShannon’s classical theory of mathematical communication.intermediate level
CS/Math elective
340Analysis of AlgorithmsAn advanced theoretical course on the design of algorithms.core major requirement, cross-listed in Math
345Theory of ComputationAn advanced course covering theoretical models and languages.core major requirement, cross-listed in Math
Physics of Computation
An advanced seminar which explains the deep connection between thermodynamics and energy efficient computation.CS elective
